Healthy Churches are Built on Christ and His Teachings … Alone.


Last week I had a wonderful time with pastors and church leaders in the Larkeyta township.

We have a pastoral network we regularly encourage and support since 2004. We began looking at the church because many of our fellowships are experiencing disloyalty issues, lack of commitment and so forth.

The church is birthed when we preach the Gospel to unbelievers and accept Christ and believe. The church is a gathering of those who profess faith in Christ, are baptized, gather for regular fellowship, and for teaching from God's word so that the believers grow to maturity. Otherwise we can gather people based on our connection or popularity without these people really knowing Christ instead they follow you. Beloved God brings us together irrespective of our tribe, social class or background.

  1. Who are you leading right now?

  2. What are you teaching?

  3. Are you developing leaders or followers?

A healthy church is built on Christ and his teachings.